NXT UK Cardiff Takeover Review | Wrestling News #9

1 set 2019 · 1 h 25 min. 9 sec.
NXT UK Cardiff Takeover Review | Wrestling News #9

Si (@ACEcast_Nation) is joined once again by POST Wrestling writer/Interviewer Andrew Thompson (@ADThompson__) to break down the epic NXT UK Takeover Cardiff show in detail and ALL its glory. Always...

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Si (@ACEcast_Nation) is joined once again by POST Wrestling writer/Interviewer Andrew Thompson (@ADThompson__) to break down the epic NXT UK Takeover Cardiff show in detail and ALL its glory. Always a good time when these two get together to talk Wrestling.Join The #ACENationArmySubscribe herewww.youtube.com/ACEPodcastNationwww.Pod.co/ACE-Cast-NationFollow herewww.facebook.com/ACEcastNationwww.Twitter.com/ACEcast_NationAll our shows are available in audio format at ALL the usual Podcasting platforms and Apps
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