
Northern Whispers: A Tearoom's Mystery

11 dic 2023 · 17 min. 53 sec.
Northern Whispers: A Tearoom's Mystery

01 · Main Story

1 min. 44 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

14 min. 24 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Northern Whispers: A Tearoom's Mystery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Bolo raz jedno tajomstvo. En: Once there was...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Northern Whispers: A Tearoom's Mystery
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Bolo raz jedno tajomstvo.
En: Once there was a secret.

Sk: Tajomstvo, o ktorom každý počul, ale nikto ho nevidel.
En: A secret that everyone had heard of, but no one had seen.

Sk: Tajomstvo severnej krajiny, kde svetlo a tma spolu stoja v tichom objetí a čas sa zdá byť len ľahkým odleskom v diaľke.
En: The secret of the northern land, where light and darkness stood together in a silent embrace and time seemed to be just a light reflection in the distance.

Sk: V malom mestečku, kde žili Ján, Eva a Lukáš, stála stará, útulná čajovňa.
En: In a small town where Ján, Eva, and Lukáš lived, stood an old, cozy tearoom.

Sk: Na prvý pohľad obyčajné miesto, ale ako jediná v celej krajine, ponúkala nádej na odhalenie starodávnej záhady.
En: At first sight, it seemed like an ordinary place, but as the only one in the whole country, it offered hope of unraveling an ancient mystery.

Sk: Ján bol tichý mládenec, ktorý miloval knihy a samotu.
En: Ján was a quiet young man who loved books and solitude.

Sk: Veril, že každý problém sa dá vyriešiť tichým premýšľaním pri šálke bylinkového čaju.
En: He believed that every problem could be solved by quiet contemplation over a cup of herbal tea.

Sk: Eva bola jeho protikladom, živá a rozhodná, v čajovni pracovala a verila v moc rozhovorov medzi ľuďmi.
En: Eva was his opposite, lively and determined; she worked in the tearoom and believed in the power of conversations between people.

Sk: A Lukáš?
En: And Lukáš?

Sk: Ten bol dobrodruh, ktorý hľadal odpovede v dalekých krajoch a počúval príbehy, ktoré mu vietor niesol z nespočetných výprav.
En: He was an adventurer who sought answers in distant lands and listened to the stories that the wind carried from countless expeditions.

Sk: Aj keď všetci traja poznali tajomstvo severnej krajiny, nikdy o ňom spolu nehovorili.
En: Although all three of them knew the secret of the northern country, they never talked about it together.

Sk: Ako keby ich nenápadné spojenie v čajovni bolo kľúčom, ktorý by mohol rozlúsknuť záhadu, no ani jeden z nich to nechcel vidieť.
En: It was as if their inconspicuous connection in the tearoom was the key that could unlock the mystery, but none of them wanted to see it.

Sk: Jedného dňa sa Ján, Eva a Lukáš náhodou stretli pri rovnakom stole.
En: One day, Ján, Eva, and Lukáš accidentally met at the same table.

Sk: Vzduch bol napätý a zároveň vzrušujúci.
En: The air was tense and exciting at the same time.

Sk: "Čo znamená sever?
En: "What does the north mean?"

Sk: " spýtal sa Ján, pričom pomaly obracal stránku knihy o legendách.
En: Ján asked, slowly turning the pages of a book about legends.

Sk: Eva zdvihla zrak od šálky zeleného čaju a odpovedala: "Sever je smer, po ktorom ideme, keď hľadáme odpovede.
En: Eva looked up from her cup of green tea and replied, "The north is the direction we go when we seek answers."

Sk: "Lukáš sa usmial a pridal sa k rozhovoru: "Pre mňa je sever dobrodružstvom.
En: Lukáš smiled and joined the conversation, "For me, the north is an adventure.

Sk: Ale možno je tam niečo viac.
En: But maybe there is something more there."

Sk: "Ich pohľady sa prepleli a napokon každý zo spoločenstva pochopil, že spojením ich rôznych pohľadov možno docieliť vhľad do tajomstva.
En: Their gazes intertwined, and eventually, each of them from the community understood that by combining their different perspectives, they might gain insight into the mystery.

Sk: Napriek tomu, že každý držal kúsok pravdy, spoločne mali možnosť odhaliť celú.
En: Although each held a piece of the truth, together they had the opportunity to unveil the whole.

Sk: Rozhodli sa spoločne plánovať výpravu na sever.
En: They decided to plan an expedition to the north together.

Sk: Dni a týždne plynuli a prípravy na cestu do neprebádaného kraja vrcholili.
En: Days and weeks passed, and the preparations for the journey to the unexplored land reached their peak.

Sk: Každý z nich prispel vlastným spôsobom.
En: Each of them contributed in their own way.

Sk: Ján priniesol mapy a staré spisy, Eva zasa sladké koláče a čaje na zahriatie tela i duše, Lukáš zabezpečil zásoby a výbavu potrebnú na cestu.
En: Ján brought maps and old writings, Eva brought sweet cakes and teas to warm the body and soul, and Lukáš provided the supplies and equipment needed for the journey.

Sk: Napokon prišiel čas odísť.
En: Finally, the time came to depart.

Sk: Vydali sa spoločne srdcom nepoznaných lesov, cez nástrahy zasnežených hôr a zamrznutých riek.
En: They set out together into the heart of unknown forests, across the perils of snow-capped mountains and frozen rivers.

Sk: Cestou sa učili jeden od druhého, zdieľali strach i radosť a stávali sa neporaziteľným tímom.
En: Along the way, they learned from each other, shared fear and joy, and became an unbeatable team.

Sk: Keď konečne dosiahli severné póly, nenašli tam poklad ani odpoveď, ktorú by mohli chytiť do ruky.
En: When they finally reached the northern poles, they found no treasure or answer that they could grasp.

Sk: Našli tam niečo oveľa cennejšie – konečne videli seba, zjednotení v snahe a porozumení medzi sebou.
En: Instead, they found something much more valuable - they finally saw themselves, united in effort and understanding among each other.

Sk: Tajomstvo severu nie bol poklad, ale cesta, ktorá ich spojila a naučila im, že každý druhý je odrazom nás samých.
En: The secret of the north was not a treasure, but a journey that brought them together and taught them that each other is a reflection of ourselves.

Sk: Vrátivši sa do čajovne, už nikdy viac neprekročili jej práh ako cudzinci.
En: Upon returning to the tearoom, they never crossed its threshold as strangers again.

Sk: Sadli spoločne pri rovnakom stole, rozprávali o svojich zážitkoch a čajovňa sa stala miestom, kde tajomstvá severnej krajiny už neboli len príbehy, ale spomienky, ktoré majú v sebe sami.
En: They sat together at the same table, talked about their experiences, and the tearoom became a place where the secrets of the northern country were no longer just stories, but memories that they held within themselves.

Vocabulary Words:
  • secret: tajomstvo
  • heard: počul
  • seen: videl
  • northern: severný
  • land: krajina
  • light: svetlo
  • darkness: tma
  • embrace: objetie
  • time: čas
  • reflection: odraz
  • distance: diaľka
  • town: mestečko
  • stood: stála
  • tearoom: čajovňa
  • ordinary: obyčajné
  • offered: ponúkala
  • hope: nádej
  • unraveling: odhalenie
  • ancient: starodávnej
  • mystery: záhada
  • cozy: útulná
  • young: mladenec
  • books: knihy
  • solitude: samota
  • problem: problém
  • contemplation: premýšľanie
  • herbal: bylinkový
  • tea: čaj
  • lively: živá
  • determined: rozhodná
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