
Night Gallery S02E08 (The Diary - A Matter of Semantics - Big Surprise - Professor Peabody's Last Lecture)

1 mag 2023 · 32 min. 21 sec.
Night Gallery S02E08 (The Diary - A Matter of Semantics - Big Surprise - Professor Peabody's Last Lecture)

An excellent addition to the Gallery. The Diary stars Patty Duke as a poison pen purveyor of gossip who is gifted a journal that tells not what was but what...

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An excellent addition to the Gallery.
The Diary stars Patty Duke as a poison pen purveyor of gossip who is gifted a journal that tells not what was but what will be.
A Matter of Sematics features Cesar Romero (and 'stache) as Dracula dropping in to the local blood bank.
Big Surprise stars John Carradine in a tale of childhood wonder and terror. Written by Richard Matheson based on his own short story
Professor Peabody's Last Lecture stars Carl Reiner as an arrogant lecturer who discovers a few myths can't be easily dismissed. First television appearance of Lovecraft's Old Ones.
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Autore Weirding Way Media
Organizzazione Chris Stachiw
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