
Navigating A Patients Mommy Makeover Journey

6 dic 2023 · 33 min. 49 sec.
Navigating A Patients Mommy Makeover Journey

Prepare to be inspired and informed as we embark on a deep dive into the world of the patient mommy makeover journey. Get ready to explore the reasons behind the...

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Prepare to be inspired and informed as we embark on a deep dive into the world of the patient mommy makeover journey. Get ready to explore the reasons behind the decision to undergo surgery, the right timing, and the fears that come with it. Is there a right time to undergo surgery nonetheless a Mommy Makeover? What are the common road blocks that come up with undergoing surgery and how do you navigate them?

Join Dr Rady Rahban and his lovely patient Eleanor as they uncover the motivations, considerations, and apprehensions surrounding not only mommy makeovers but surgery in general. Whether you're contemplating this transformative journey or simply curious about the procedure, this episode is a must-listen.

Instagram: @drradyrahban
Facebook: @radyrahbanmd
TikTok: @radyrahbanmd
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Autore Rady Rahban MD
Organizzazione Rady Rahban
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