
'Nachos in the wrong place'

14 ott 2020 · 42 min. 10 sec.
'Nachos in the wrong place'

Oct. 14: On this episode ... Drew put his "Father of the Year" application in jeopardy after taking his kids to a Hooters knockoff ... Shauna introduces Drew to "Karen"...

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Oct. 14: On this episode ... Drew put his "Father of the Year" application in jeopardy after taking his kids to a Hooters knockoff ... Shauna introduces Drew to "Karen" and "Felicia" ... and they discuss the million-dollar question: What is the worst way to die, drowning in your own feces? Also on this show they talk about "pee shivers." #bebold
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Autore Defining Audacity Radio Show
Organizzazione Defining Audacity Radio Show
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