
My Guitar Gently Reaps

4 ott 2022 · 36 min. 9 sec.
My Guitar Gently Reaps

We're in Poland today where three Sons make their barebones living ferrying people across a river. The youngest gets a purse that's always full, and a mermaid wife to boot,...

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We're in Poland today where three Sons make their barebones living ferrying people across a river. The youngest gets a purse that's always full, and a mermaid wife to boot, and it's all coming up roses for a minute. That is, until the local king decides to send him on a few errands. Join us for a collection of side-quests in the shape of a story that ends with some truly spectacular comeuppance.

For sources and links, check out our Patreon, or follow on Twitter. Our theme music is from Carnaval des Animaux, performed by Aitua.
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Autore Amy & Casey
Organizzazione Amy & Casey
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