
My Daughter Was Possessed By A Demon (True Story)

2 apr 2024 · 20 min. 30 sec.
My Daughter Was Possessed By A Demon (True Story)

In 2012, a small town in Indiana was shaken by a series of inexplicable events that would become international news. The Ammons family, seemingly just an average family of four,...

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In 2012, a small town in Indiana was shaken by a series of inexplicable events that would become international news. The Ammons family, seemingly just an average family of four, made shocking claims of being possessed by demons. But it wasn't until veteran police officer Captain Charles Austin got involved that their story gained credibility. This episode delves into the strange occurrences experienced by the Ammons family after moving to Gary, Indiana and the exorcisms performed by Father Michael Maginot. Eventually, they were compelled to abandon their house before its destruction. Join us as we delve into this unnerving account of actual demonic possession.
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Autore No Tears For Black Girls
Organizzazione John Reedburg
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