
Mistaken Seat: A Chance Bratislava Encounter

14 dic 2023 · 12 min. 29 sec.
Mistaken Seat: A Chance Bratislava Encounter

01 · Main Story

1 min. 42 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

9 min. 41 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mistaken Seat: A Chance Bratislava Encounter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Na námestí v starom meste Bratislavy, kde...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mistaken Seat: A Chance Bratislava Encounter
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Na námestí v starom meste Bratislavy, kde historické budovy číhajú plné príbehov, Adam sa ponáhľal na stretnutie so svojím dlhoročným priateľom.
En: In the square in the old town of Bratislava, where historic buildings are full of stories, Adam hurried to meet his longtime friend.

Sk: Prešiel okolo fontány, kde sa deti smiali a rozprával si v hlave plán večera.
En: He walked past the fountain where children laughed, planning the evening in his head.

Sk: Adam mal za sebou dlhý deň a myšlienky sa mu miešali.
En: Adam had had a long day and his thoughts were all mixed up.

Sk: Otvoril dvere k autu, ktoré bolo presne tým typom a farbou, aké mal jeho priateľ, zapadol do sedadla vedľa vodiča a hneď sa rozprúdila reč.
En: He opened the door to the car, which was exactly the type and color his friend had, and he settled into the seat next to the driver and immediately started talking.

Sk: "Tak aký bol tvoj deň?
En: "So, how was your day?"

Sk: " spýtal sa, než si uvedomil, že sedí vedľa ženy, ktorú nikdy predtým nevidel.
En: he asked before realizing he was sitting next to a woman he had never seen before.

Sk: Eva, ktorá práve skončila telefonát, sa zdala zmätenej, no zároveň pobavenej.
En: Eva, who had just finished a phone call, seemed confused but amused at the same time.

Sk: "Zdá sa, že si sadol do zlého auta," povedala s úsmevom.
En: "It seems like you got into the wrong car," she said with a smile.

Sk: Adamovi stuhla krv v žilách, keď si uvedomil svoje omýlenie.
En: Adam's blood ran cold when he realized his mistake.

Sk: "Ospravedlňujem sa, myslel som, že ste niekto iný" vykoktal zahanbene a sčervenel.
En: "I apologize, I thought you were someone else," he stammered, feeling embarrassed and turning red.

Sk: Eva len pokrčila plecami a ponúkla mu možnosť, aby odišiel bez rozruchu.
En: Eva just shrugged and offered him the chance to leave without causing a scene.

Sk: Ale bol tam ten pocit, ten nevysvetliteľný pocit pomernej pohody, a tak sa rozhodli pokračovať vo večeri spoločne.
En: But there was that feeling, that unexplainable feeling of relative comfort, so they decided to continue the evening together.

Sk: Spoločne preskúmali uličky starého mesta, zastavili sa na trdelník a pokračovali až ku kaviarni, kde si objednali kávu.
En: They explored the streets of the old town together, stopped for trdelník, and continued on to a café where they ordered coffee.

Sk: Cez rozhovory a smiech si Adam a Eva uvedomili, že majú oveľa viac spoločného, než by si kedy mysleli.
En: Through conversations and laughter, Adam and Eve realized that they had much more in common than they had ever thought.

Sk: Na konci večera Adam vedel, že táto náhoda bola niečím viac.
En: By the end of the evening, Adam knew that this coincidence was something more.

Sk: Vděčný za svoju chybu, požiadal Evu o telefónne číslo.
En: Grateful for his mistake, he asked Eva for her phone number.

Sk: Na rozlúčku mu dala svoju vizitku a s ľahkým úsmevom dodala: "Niekedy osud stojí za to, aby sme si s ním pomýlili plány.
En: As they said goodbye, she gave him her business card and with a light smile added, "Sometimes fate is worth messing up our plans for."

Sk: "Adam stál tam, s vizitkou v ruke a pochopením, že občas nečakaný obrat dokáže otvoriť novú kapitolu v našich životoch.
En: Adam stood there with the business card in his hand, realizing that sometimes an unexpected turn can open a new chapter in our lives.

Sk: A práve tento podvečer v Bratislave sa začal písať príbeh, ktorý začal omylom, ale mohol sa vyvinúť do nečakane krásnej známosti.
En: And it was this evening in Bratislava that began to write a story that started with a mistake but could evolve into an unexpectedly beautiful relationship.

Vocabulary Words:
  • In: Na
  • the: starom
  • square:
  • town: v
  • of:
  • Bratislava:
  • where:
  • historic:
  • buildings: budovy
  • are: sú
  • full: plné
  • of:
  • stories: príbehov
  • Adam: Adam
  • hurried: ponáhľal
  • to:
  • meet: stretnutie
  • his: jeho
  • longtime: dlhoročným
  • friend: priateľom
  • He: On
  • walked: šiel
  • past: okolo
  • the: fontány
  • fountain: ktoré
  • where: kde
  • children: deti
  • laughed: smiali
  • planning: plán
  • the: hlave
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