Misadventure at Eurovea: Lost & Found Love
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Misadventure at Eurovea: Lost & Found Love
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Misadventure at Eurovea: Lost & Found Love Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/misadventure-at-eurovea-lost-found-love/ Story Transcript: Sk: Adam si vždy myslel, že nie...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: Adam si vždy myslel, že nie je človek, ktorý by sa mohol stratiť.
En: Adam always thought he was not the kind of person who could get lost.
Sk: Práve dnes sa však ocitol v obrovskom nákupnom centre v Bratislave, obklopený všetkými možnými obchodmi a ľuďmi, ktorí sa ponáhľali okolo neho.
En: However, today he found himself in a huge shopping center in Bratislava, surrounded by all sorts of shops and people rushing around him.
Sk: Bol slnečný deň a Adam sa rozhodol, že svojej žene kúpi prekvapenie.
En: It was a sunny day, and Adam decided to buy a surprise for his wife.
Sk: Vošiel teda do nákupného centra Eurovea, lebo vedel, že tam nájde všetko, čo by mohol potrebovať.
En: So, he entered the Eurovea shopping center because he knew he would find everything he might need there.
Sk: Po nákupe krásneho darčeka pre ženu, Adam cítil hlad a zamieril si to k jedálnemu kútu, aby si niečo zobol.
En: After purchasing a beautiful gift for his wife, Adam felt hungry and headed to a food court to grab a bite.
Sk: Zrazu mu však napadlo, že si nechal peňaženku v obchode, kde kupoval darček.
En: Suddenly, it occurred to him that he had left his wallet in the store where he bought the gift.
Sk: Bez rozmýšľania sa obzrel a náhle ju uvidel - osobu, za ktorú si myslel, že je jeho žena Eva.
En: Without thinking, he looked around and suddenly saw her - the person he thought was his wife, Eva.
Sk: Mal v hlave pevnú predstavu, že Eva stále stojí pri šperkoch, a tak rýchlo kráčal za touto ženou s tým, že si od nej vezme peňaženku.
En: He had a firm belief in his mind that Eva was still standing by the jewelry, so he quickly walked up to this woman with the intention of taking the wallet from her.
Sk: Eva, ktorá bola doma, netušila, že jej manžel Adam má vzrušujúci deň.
En: Meanwhile, Eva, who was at home, had no idea that her husband Adam was having an exciting day.
Sk: Adam, sledujúc svoju 'ženu', ju v hustej dave šikovne predbehol a postavil sa jej priamo do cesty.
En: Adam, following his "wife," skillfully overtook her in the thick crowd and stood directly in her path.
Sk: Žena zdvihla pohľad a Adam musel zdvihnúť ruku pred tvár z údivu.
En: The woman looked up, and Adam had to raise his hand to his face in surprise.
Sk: Táto žena nebola Ava.
En: This woman was not Eva.
Sk: Bol to úplný neznámy človek s rovnakým strihom vlasov a farbou kabáta.
En: She was a complete stranger with the same haircut and coat color.
Sk: Adam sa okamžite ospravedlnil a pokúsil sa vysvetliť svoje nedorozumenie.
En: Adam immediately apologized and attempted to explain his misunderstanding.
Sk: Zdvihol svoj mobil a zavolal Eve.
En: He raised his phone and called Eva.
Sk: S tlkotom srdca v hrudi jej vysvetlil, čo sa stalo.
En: With his heart pounding, he explained what had happened.
Sk: Eva sa zasmiala a povedala mu, kde má peňaženku.
En: Eva laughed and told him where the wallet was.
Sk: Bola v ich aute, kde ju Adam nechal, aby niesol len pevnú tašku s darčekom.
En: It was in their car, where Adam had left it so he could carry only the solid gift bag.
Sk: S úsmevom na tvári sa vrátili domov, kde Adam dal Eve darček a rozprávali sa o svojom malom dobrodružstve v nákupnom centre.
En: With a smile on their faces, they returned home, where Adam gave Eva the gift and they talked about their little adventure in the shopping center.
Sk: A tak mal príbeh Adamovej stratenosti v nákupnom centre šťastný koniec.
En: And so, the story of Adam getting lost in the shopping center had a happy ending.
Sk: Doma s Evou si povedali, že ďalší nákup urobia spolu, aby sa už nezatúlali.
En: At home with Eva, they agreed to do their next shopping together to avoid getting lost again.
Vocabulary Words:
- kind: druh
- lost: stratený
- shopping center: nákupné centrum
- surrounded: obklopený
- shops: obchody
- rushing: ponáhľajúci sa
- sunny: slnečný
- decided: rozhodol
- surprise: prekvapenie
- entered: vošiel
- purchasing: nákup
- gift: darček
- hungry: hladný
- head: zamieril
- food court: jedálny kút
- left: nechal
- store: obchod
- wallet: peňaženka
- thought: myšlienka
- firm belief: pevná predstava
- quickly: rýchlo
- intention: úmysel
- person: osoba
- stranger: neznámy človek
- apologized: ospravedlnil sa
- misunderstanding: nedorozumenie
- explained: vysvetlil
- laughed: zasmiala sa
- smile: úsmev
- agreed: súhlasili
Autore | FluentFiction.org |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Sito | www.fluentfiction.org |
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