Michael Osborne - Premiership Hawk

2 ott 2020 · 1 h 11 min. 43 sec.
Michael Osborne - Premiership Hawk

Today we welcome Michael Osborne through the Dawe. We discuss the enjoyment of the Hawthorn success, his role as a coach and developing players, where we met at ARFC. As...

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Today we welcome Michael Osborne through the Dawe.
We discuss the enjoyment of the Hawthorn success, his role as a coach and developing players, where we met at ARFC.
As well as his positive and strong mindset in dealing with injuries, delistings, team selections and much more.
Sit back, relax and enjoy as we have a laugh and hear from a pure professional.

#SpreadKindness #BePositive
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Autore James Dawe
Organizzazione James Dawe
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