
Medical Authoritarianism & Caduceus PSYOP | Warn Friends and Family

5 set 2023 · 1 h 2 min. 12 sec.
Medical Authoritarianism & Caduceus PSYOP | Warn Friends and Family

Mankind is in an epic ongoing Epigenetic War with the mainline Pharmaceutical cartel run by International Malthusian Elitists. The end goal is population reduction and the introduction of a scientific...

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Mankind is in an epic ongoing Epigenetic War with the mainline Pharmaceutical cartel run by International Malthusian Elitists. The end goal is population reduction and the introduction of a scientific NWO dictatorship. From 1984 to A Brave New World, we trek from Fear based mind control to Pharmacopeia based mind bending via GMO and PEG nanotech. Bioweapons are at our doorstep, and synthetic biology is being weaponized via aerosolized plasmid viruses released on the unwitting public. Cures are being hushed up, while disinformation is in vogue. Some of the secrets not well known to layman are introduced in this exclusive podcast.
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Autore Elias Bayti
Organizzazione Jeremy Francisco
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