Marijuana High Stimulating, Relaxation, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Travel, Sleep Simulator

26 lug 2022 · 33 min.
Marijuana High Stimulating, Relaxation, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Travel, Sleep Simulator

Simulate, stimulate, and enhance the experience of the cannabis inside of you, and / or whatever good buds you might ingest, smoke or otherwise consume. This very special frequency formula...

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Simulate, stimulate, and enhance the experience of the cannabis inside of you, and / or whatever good buds you might ingest, smoke or otherwise consume.

This very special frequency formula was created with you in mind for the ultimate relaxation companion when you medicate or recreate with marijuana, or any of the psychoactive and therapeutic components.

Use headphones or in-ear-buds for the best, 3D-audio experience.

This DemiPhase Vibrational Audio Meditation can be used as a compliment to your current experiences with cannabinoids

If you wish you can tune in to the frequency by breathing in and out for at least 7-cycles of breath and then completely relax and listen passively or with focused thought and meditation.

For more info or to have a custom frequency produced for you and / or your organization contact UniquilibriuM - 757-834-0010 |

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