Machine Augmented Guard for Dynamic Advertising.

30 nov 2022 · 10 min. 30 sec.
Machine Augmented Guard for Dynamic Advertising.

01 · Hakeem Ali - Bocas Alexander - DemiPhase

3 sec.

Descrizione "M.A.G.D.A technology works by transcribing programmatic ads that go through the Spreaker ad marketplace in real-time. Spreaker has created machine-learning models to auto-categorize ads. In addition, the technology can...

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"M.A.G.D.A technology works by transcribing programmatic ads that go through the Spreaker ad marketplace in real-time. Spreaker has created machine-learning models to auto-categorize ads. In addition, the technology can also detect miscategorized ads. For example, if a political ad is miscategorized as fast food M.A.G.D.A will flag this for rectification.

Spreaker’s new ad quality tech has an endearing story behind its name origin, M.A.G.D.A is an abbreviation for Machine Augmented Guard for Dynamic Advertising. However, Magda is also a member of the Spreaker team. She was the first person to work on ad quality control for the company, and today Spreaker has an entire division dedicated to ad quality spearheaded by Magda herself—the company felt it fitting to name the technology after her."
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Autore UniquilbriuM
Organizzazione Flor and Hakeem
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