Lost and Found: An Unplanned Mountain Saga
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Lost and Found: An Unplanned Mountain Saga
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Lost and Found: An Unplanned Mountain Saga Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/lost-and-found-an-unplanned-mountain-saga/ Story Transcript: Sk: Pomaly sa prebúdzalo ráno v tieni...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: Pomaly sa prebúdzalo ráno v tieni hory Kriváň.
En: In the shadow of the Kriváň mountain, morning slowly awakened.
Sk: Peter a Eva, spolu s ich dobrým priateľom Jánom, sa rozhodli zdolať túto pýchu slovenských veľhôr.
En: Peter and Eva, along with their good friend Ján, decided to conquer this pride of the Slovak high mountains.
Sk: Bola to chladná jeseň a stromy sa už hrali s paletou farieb.
En: It was a chilly autumn, and the trees were already playing with a palette of colors.
Sk: Musíme dbať na značky, pripomínala Eva, keď sa trojica vybrala na túru.
En: We must pay attention to the signs, Eva reminded as the trio set off on a hike.
Sk: Jan sa zasmial: S tebou sa nemôžeme stratiť, Eva.
En: Jan laughed, We won't get lost with you, Eva.
Sk: Peter mal v sebe dobrodruha a rád si chodil po svojom.
En: Peter had the spirit of an adventurer and liked to wander on his own.
Sk: Čakajte, idem sa iba pozrieť na túto roklinu, zvolal a už stúpal po strmejšej pôde.
En: Wait, I'll just go and take a look at this gorge, he exclaimed as he started climbing the steeper ground.
Sk: Eva s Jánom pokračovali po chodníku.
En: Eva and Ján continued along the trail.
Sk: Cas plynie a Peter poslúchal ticho prírody,
En: As time passed, Peter listened to the quiet of nature.
Sk: ale keď sa rozhodol vrátiť k priateľom, zistil, že nevie, odkiaľ prišiel.
En: But when he decided to return to his friends, he found that he didn't know where he came from.
Sk: Hľadal cestu späť, ale každá kopeček a roklina vyzerá tak isto.
En: He looked for the way back, but every hill and ravine looked the same.
Sk: Po dlhom blúdení narazil Peter na rozsiahlu lúku, kde sa páslo stádo oviec.
En: After wandering for a long time, Peter suddenly came upon a vast meadow where a flock of sheep grazed.
Sk: V diaľke uvidel drevenú chatu, a tak sa vybral jej smerom.
En: In the distance, he saw a wooden hut and headed toward it.
Sk: U chýše ho privítal starý pastier.
En: He was welcomed by an old shepherd at the hut.
Sk: Zablúdil som, priznal Peter.
En: I got lost, admitted Peter.
Sk: V horách sa to často stáva, usmial sa pastier a ponúkol mu miesto pri ohni.
En: It often happens in the mountains, the shepherd smiled and offered him a place by the fire.
Sk: Peter počúval príbehy starého muža, zatiaľ čo pastier zdieľal svoj jednoduchý obed.
En: Peter listened to the old man's stories while the shepherd shared his simple meal.
Sk: Medzitým Eva s Jánom vyšli na vrchol Kriváňa a zistili, že Peter nie je nikde.
En: Meanwhile, Eva and Ján reached the summit of Kriváň and realized that Peter was nowhere to be found.
Sk: S obavami sa rozhodli zavolať horskú záchrannú službu.
En: They decided to call the mountain rescue service with concern.
Sk: Záchranári oskenovali oblasť a urýchlene išli hľadať.
En: Rescuers scanned the area and quickly went to search.
Sk: Keď súmrak padal na krásne doliny, pastier ponúkol Petrovi lôžko na noc,
En: As dusk fell over the beautiful valleys, the shepherd offered Peter a bed for the night,
Sk: ale skôr, ako sa stihol uložiť, ozval sa zvuk sirén.
En: but before he could settle down, the sound of sirens was heard.
Sk: Eva a Ján, spolu so záchranármi, našli chatu podľa núdzových svetiel.
En: Eva and Ján, along with the rescuers, found the hut using emergency lights.
Sk: Objímania boli srdečné a obavy sa zmenili na úľavu.
En: The embraces were heartfelt, and worries turned into relief.
Sk: Peter poďakoval pastierovi a sľúbil si, že nabudúce už nebude opúšťať značenú trasu.
En: Peter thanked the shepherd and promised that he would not leave the marked trail again.
Sk: Na ceste späť do údolia sa trojica rozprávala o svojich dobrodružstvách a úzkostiach.
En: On the way back to the valley, the trio talked about their adventures and anxieties.
Sk: A hoci Peterovým zámerom nebolo spôsobiť starosti, jeho neplánované dobrodružstvo ich spojilo ešte viac.
En: And although Peter's intention was not to cause worry, his unplanned adventure brought them even closer.
Sk: Keď dosiahli svoje autá, hviezdy už svietili na čistej nočnej oblohe.
En: When they reached their cars, the stars were already shining in the clear night sky.
Sk: Na Kriváň nikdy nezabudneme, povedal Peter, keď sa všetci trochu unavene usmievali.
En: We will never forget Kriváň, said Peter as they all smiled a little wearily.
Sk: A tak ich príbeh o puto obrovských veľhôr a nečakaných priateľstiev sa skončil sladkým návratom domov.
En: And so their story of the connection with the towering mountains and unexpected friendships ended with a sweet return home.
Vocabulary Words:
- awakened: prebúdzalo
- conquer: zdolať
- palette: paleta
- reminded: pripomínala
- trail: chodník
- exclaimed: zvolal
- climbing: stúpal
- ravine: roklina
- wandering: blúdenie
- meadow: lúka
- grazed: páslo sa
- welcomed: privítal
- admitted: priznal
- hut: chýša
- shepherd: pastier
- marked: značená
- rescue: záchranná
- scanned: oskenovali
- dusk: súmrak
- embrace: objatie
- relief: úľava
- stories: príbehy
- anxieties: úzkosti
- shining: svietili
- towers: veľhôr
- friendships: priateľstvá
- return: návrat
- valleys: doliny
- wearily: unavene
- connection: puto
Autore | FluentFiction.org |
Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
Sito | www.fluentfiction.org |
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