Live Interview with Yusuf Tura about the Obama Stove

1 giu 2018 · 34 min. 34 sec.
Live Interview with Yusuf Tura about the Obama Stove

In African tradition when you are in major crisis you reach out to your village and the current crisis so big and I am trying to reach the whole world....

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In African tradition when you are in major crisis you reach out to your village and the current crisis so big and I am trying to reach the whole world. Can you help? Are you still offering your special promotion pricing? If so let us talk. I wrote down few things that I would like to cover.

The current crisis in Ethiopia is not being covered by most of the U.S. and world press. It's been going on since 2016, and it's gotten to the point where I am reaching out to all friends, and alike to raise awareness and drum-up some funding. Here are a few stories that have been published:

Even without the current political and economic crisis, the cookstove company is solving the problem of open-fire cooking, which kills over 5 million women and children per year, and which has deforested most of Eastern Africa.

There is a known solution, clean-burning, efficient, affordable cookstoves. Obamastove has been manufacturing such stoves in Ethiopia for over 10 years, selling the stoves to people living on a dollar or two per day. We've sold over 250,000 so far. That is a lot, but there are another 20 million Ethiopian households that need a stove like this. I have worked day in day out to grow this company, along the way I found great people and organization who have provided training and ongoing support. E.g.

Please join me in raising awareness of this issue.

Every $10 will provide one stove and fuel for one family. Thousands of families need not only urgent food, fuel and stoves to cook it.

Tax-deductible donations can be made at
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Autore T. Gerard Williams
Organizzazione T. Gerard Williams
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