
Live from Wrestlecade!

9 dic 2023 · 10 min. 23 sec.
Live from Wrestlecade!

Ahoy! We have a bonus episode for you! Here is a little snippett of our day at Wrestlecade in Winston-Salem NC. We were first-time vendors at WC and we enjoyed...

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We have a bonus episode for you! Here is a little snippett of our day at Wrestlecade in Winston-Salem NC. We were first-time vendors at WC and we enjoyed every moment of it. This special episode was recorded live on site and we even had AEW Star NICK Wayne pop over to the table and Camden Cruise Told him off for Betraying Darby Allin ! We hope you enjoy this special bonus episode as we plan on going all 3 days next year and having even more special content!

For a full episode archive (AD FREE) and exclusive content visit CWKPOD.COM
Make sure and follow the show and leave us a 5 Star Frog Splash of a review!
Be sure to Follow us on all of our socials @CruisingwithKayfabe on Facebook and Instagram, @ItsMongo and @CruisingWithKayfabe_Emily on TikTok.
Visit Dubby Energy at and use promo code "MONGO" to save 10% on all orders all the time!
Special Thanks to friends of the show the Undone for letting us use their song Miss Fortune! Now available to stream or purchase on Apple, Amazon Music & Spotify. For more information visit and make sure to give them a follow!
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Autore Cruising With Kayfabe
Organizzazione Cruising With Kayfabe
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