
Leprosy For Edgy Hipsters

8 set 2016 · 1 h 7 min. 47 sec.
Leprosy For Edgy Hipsters

Tonight ... -Commercials are mocking us -"F**k that cat!" -Consequences for "Di**s Out For Harambe" --Keep being 'hilarious' ... --'Every Life is Precious' = Clear Bull**it -From 'couch' to 'cage'...

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Tonight ... -Commercials are mocking us -"F**k that cat!" -Consequences for "Di**s Out For Harambe" --Keep being 'hilarious' ... --'Every Life is Precious' = Clear Bull**it -From 'couch' to 'cage' -Cold Brew Coffee and Monday Night Football! -Weeding Out -Do you want Teddy Hart taking care of your kids?? -Let's get ready for Week One --Previewing some big games --Colin Kaepernick sings "We Are The World" -Jurassic World is coming?!?!? -Zandig gives some extremely calm Pep Talks -CZW time! --Preview of "Down With The Sickness"C
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Autore Erik Williams
Organizzazione Erik Williams
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