LEE CARROLL & MONIKA MURANYI: Kryon of Magnetic Service.#lemuria #DNA #OldSoul #LightLanguage #ufo

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Hightlights: 1.Who Kryon actually is? 2.How we were designed to live 900 years in our current bodies? 3.Details about Lemuria you did not know! 4.Where Big Pharma is headed? 5.Light...
mostra di più1.Who Kryon actually is?
2.How we were designed to live 900 years in our current bodies?
3.Details about Lemuria you did not know!
4.Where Big Pharma is headed?
5.Light Language, is ….?
6.What Monika and Lee do as a daily practice to stay healthy and centered?
My guests are: Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi who work together to share the messages and teachings of Kryon’s wisdom. Lee’s relationship with Kryon began in 1989 when he experienced a profound loving energy that awakened him to an understanding that God was bigger than anything he was ever told. Since then, Lee has produced 14 Kryon books, and co-authored 3 Indigo Children books, which introduced the world to the term “Indigo Children.” As the original channel for Kryon and his service to humanity the Delphi Metaphysical University awarded Lee an honorary doctorate degree of Science, Transpersonal Psychology, & Metaphysics. In addition, Lee has been listed as one of the “100 most spiritually influential living people” by the prestigious WATKINS “Mind, Body, Spirit” Magazine. In 2012 Monika Muranyi began her journey with Lee when she launched her first published book, The Gaia Effect, and then published 3 more subject-driven books from the collection of Kryon channels. In her books, Monika posed dozens of questions to Kryon that provided greater understandings and new realizations. Their partnership in the Kryon work has resulted in the creation of 3 beautifully illustrated oracle card decks, 2 Kryon smart phone Apps, and a weekly online gathering of old souls who participate in the Healing Wednesday program. Learn More: www.kryonmasters.com
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Award-winning "Dare to Dream" podcast, enjoyed by listeners for over 15 years with host, Debbi Dachinger, offers amazing conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, channeling, healing, UFO's and extraterrestrials.
Join me on Instagram: @daretodreampodcast and @debbidachinger
Debbi Dachinger is a Media Visibility certified coach who offers group and private sessions - she coaches you to write a highly engaging book, she also offers a popular, fully-done-for-the-author guaranteed international bestselling book launch, plus an anthology book program and she gathers your authors for the book compilation to each write a chapter and from start to successful finish produces your themed anthology book, and last, she teaches you how to be Interviewed on radio and podcast shows for ma$$ive results.
Get your free media visibility gift and start now: https://debbidachinger.com/gift
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The show is sponsored by DrDainHeer.com and Access Consciousness.
Autore | DARE TO DREAM: Debbi Dachinger |
Organizzazione | DARE TO DREAM: Debbi Dachinger |
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