Laura’s Big Temu Report
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Laura’s Big Temu Report
Questa è una trascrizione generata automaticamente. Si prega di notare che non è garantita la completa accuratezza.
We’ve all seen the app, the ads, and the orange box that promises deals like we’ve never seen before. Is Temu all that or not? Laura gives us a full...
mostra di piùErik rips off his new shoes and shows them to all of us because he can’t believe how much he paid for them.
We give you two thought-provoking lists:
What weird things do we all do that we don’t think anyone else does?
And, do these social norms even make sense these days?
We finish things off with a hearty discussion about our nighttime facial routines. Oh, how they differ!
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Autore | Laura Cain After Dark |
Organizzazione | Laura cain |
Sito | - |
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