Keith Daniel Saunders Sr.

12 mag 2024 · 27 min. 33 sec.
Keith Daniel Saunders Sr.

Lynnda Nadien talks with Keith Daniel Saunders Sr. ('90), an educator and school leader for over 30 years.  He is a teacher, an administrator, a mentor and dedicated to serving...

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Lynnda Nadien talks with Keith Daniel Saunders Sr. ('90), an educator and school leader for over 30 years.  He is a teacher, an administrator, a mentor and dedicated to serving his community as the President and Co-Founder of a youth empowerment program Saunders Omnipresent Network Inspiring America's Youth Inc. (SONIAY INC.).  Keith is also a deacon at the House of Judah Church in West Sayville, NY.
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Autore 90.3 WHPC
Organizzazione 90.3 WHPC
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