
It's about Time - Joining with the Master Teacher's Teachings (59)

25 giu 2024 · 59 min. 34 sec.
It's about Time - Joining with the Master Teacher's Teachings (59)

We are sharing in this episode of this direct meeting with Master Teacher the video presentation "It’s About Time" from The Mind Training Series, Episode II, in which He offers...

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We are sharing in this episode of this direct meeting with Master Teacher the video presentation "It’s About Time" from The Mind Training Series, Episode II, in which He offers us to admit the fear that a meaningless world engenders. We are directed to this Course teaching with its lessons that allow us to see that the acceptance of the Atonement is the inevitable decision and step to take. A lot of our teaching was designed to not Hear the Truth. No longer following our own teaching from the past is our opening to an Experience of Light, Peace and Love, with His words from the song "I am in the mood for love..."  ◊ 
We are using several selected parts of the Master Teacher's video MTS-02 - "It’s About Time"  -

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Autore Voice From Heaven
Organizzazione Voice From Heaven
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