Intro: Take a Deep Breath... of Art.

15 mag 2022 · 3 min. 32 sec.
Intro: Take a Deep Breath... of Art.

Hi everyone! My name is Kaja and I am really passionate about the arts, especially musical theatre. Anyone who knows me personally has heard me hum show tunes, talk about...

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Hi everyone! My name is Kaja and I am really passionate about the arts, especially musical theatre. Anyone who knows me personally has heard me hum show tunes, talk about the theatre for hours or has been kindly asked to accompany me on a yet another wonderful theatre trip :)).
I've always wanted to create a space to talk about this passion of mine. In my daily life I study a scientific degree and, even though science and art may at first seem like two ends of a spectrum, I strongly believe they belong together. Because of that I keep joining my two areas of interest whenever possible.
If you would like to hear me talk about what the arts mean to my fantastic guests and me, join our artistic journey in the 'Breath of Art' podcast. A place of kindness, laughter and reflection, where everyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. See you soon, but for now...
Keep taking deep breaths... of art.
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Autore Kaja Posnik
Organizzazione Kaja Posnik
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