Iago Bojczuk on freedom, communication technologies and the big tech

17 feb 2021 · 55 min. 16 sec.
Iago Bojczuk on freedom, communication technologies and the big tech

In this episode: Iago Bojczuk, current research affiliate with the Global Media Technologies and Cultures Lab at the University of California, in Santa Barbara, and former Lemann Fellow in Comparative...

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In this episode: Iago Bojczuk, current research affiliate with the Global Media Technologies and Cultures Lab at the University of California, in Santa Barbara, and former Lemann Fellow in Comparative Media Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), talks about the power of language and culture, the impact of WhatsApp in Brazilian politics and society, and the policies to be considered in this disruptive digital world. Feedback regarding this episode? Please do it to info@tiagocosta.media. Support the work that I'm doing by sending some love through PayPal.me/tiagorodriguesdcosta. Follow the podcast's page on Instagram @analyzepodcast.
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Autore Tiago Rodrigues da Costa
Organizzazione Tiago Rodrigues da Costa
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