How to prevent burnout in tech

15 giu 2022 · 39 min. 28 sec.
How to prevent burnout in tech

With companies needing constant growth to survive and societal pressures pushing people to deliver more and more, it’s becoming more and more common to hear that people are living under...

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With companies needing constant growth to survive and societal pressures pushing people to deliver more and more, it’s becoming more and more common to hear that people are living under extremely high amounts of stress that are leading to burnout.

Julia Simon, community member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and is leading the burnout support group, shares her vulnerable story on how it felt to be burned out, how she got there, and how she successfully overcame it. Now, she's using her experience to help others.

Watch Julia's talk at KubeCon 2021:
Join the burnout support group:
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