How Have You Stayed Married 36 Years?

14 mar 2024 · 54 min. 33 sec.
How Have You Stayed Married 36 Years?

Yep, we did it. We've made it 36 years and we are still going strong. Inevitably Tonya and I are asked how have we made it this far. Now I'm...

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Yep, we did it. We've made it 36 years and we are still going strong. Inevitably Tonya and I are asked how have we made it this far. Now I'm not sure if some are asking becasue they are impressed and want to know the secret to our blissful life together or if there is some sort of inuindo there I am missing but for whatever it's workth. Tonya and I have just celebrated 36 yearst together and we thought that we would explore some of the secrets that we have found along the way. So if your inclined, sit back and enjoy listening in as we talk over the secrets of lasting 36 years. 
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Autore Ask Mom & Dad
Organizzazione Greg Sawyer
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