How Founders' Traumas Shape Their Startup Culture

8 feb 2023 · 34 min. 44 sec.
How Founders' Traumas Shape Their Startup Culture

In this episode of the SOL Podcast, we are having Samreen McGregor, founder of Turmeric Group, an Executive Coach who aims to create the conditions that leaders need to stretch...

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In this episode of the SOL Podcast, we are having Samreen McGregor, founder of Turmeric Group, an Executive Coach who aims to create the conditions that leaders need to stretch beyond their existing capabilities and simultaneously preserve well-being. She also desires to inspire leaders, teams and organisations to embrace adversity as a catalyst for empowerment and well-being while rigorously expanding her clients' rational, emotional, and intuitive capacity.

We addressed issues like the relationship between trauma, leaders and the business, paying attention to workplace culture, coaching, trauma's effect on leaders and identity, cultural differences, pros and cons of it on leaders, startup growth, coaches and the role that coaches and advisors can play in all of these issues.

Our discussion revolved around the difference between coaching and mentoring, the demand for consultancy coaching executive leadership, and the role of leadership coaching in the start-up world.
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