
Healing Mindset

23 ott 2023 · 30 min. 40 sec.
Healing Mindset

Dr. Nen Huang, Holistic Coach and Aromatherapy Practitioner, is a lifelong learner because she is curious. Her journey started in China where she earned a degree in nursing. Interested in...

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Dr. Nen Huang, Holistic Coach and Aromatherapy Practitioner, is a lifelong learner because she is curious. Her journey started in China where she earned a degree in nursing. Interested in other cultures, she moved to Saudi Arabia where she worked in a medical facility for a few years. Still curious to learn about other parts of the world, she moved to the United States and landed in Sacramento where she earned more degrees. Her curiosity led her to holistic healing. She wants patients and clients to incorporate holistic healing along with traditional remedies to recover from illness and injury. She is also interested in reducing the stressors that cause illness that occur in work and personal relationships. In other words,, she subscribes to the maxim, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Listen and gain another perspective on healing.

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Autore Amazing Women and Men Of Power
Organizzazione Amazing Women and Men Of Power
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