Guest Talks with CeCe Peniston

10 mag 2019 · 1 h 1 min. 16 sec.
Guest Talks with CeCe Peniston

When I was asked if I'd like to have a chat with CeCe Peniston, I can't even begin to describe my excitement. After all, Ms Peniston was one of those...

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When I was asked if I'd like to have a chat with CeCe Peniston, I can't even begin to describe my excitement. After all, Ms Peniston was one of those super stars of the 80's & 90's along side the likes of Jodie Watley and Crystal Waters whom I'd dance to in my living room and didn't care who was watching. 
CeCe Peniston has had numerous hits including the renowned smash hit, Finally that had it's revival thanks to the Australian Movie, 'Priscilla, Queen Of The Dessert'. 
During our podcast I learned quite a bit from Ms Peniston, and while we are all getting older, Ms Peniston is taking it all in her stride as she shares her new passion alongside her music, keeping her young and super fit. 

We talk about all kinds of things from music to hobbies and have a typical female to female chin wag with loads of laughs.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Get the links and see more on
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