GSMC Sports Podcast Episode 880: Baylor Bears Win & Sam Darnold to the Panthers

7 apr 2021 · 1 h 32 min. 6 sec.
GSMC Sports Podcast Episode 880: Baylor Bears Win & Sam Darnold to the Panthers

Nebyat starts by talking about Baylor’s first title for the Men’s Basketball Program. He talks about why Baylor’s hard work was the reason why they made it far in the...

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Nebyat starts by talking about Baylor’s first title for the Men’s Basketball Program. He talks about why Baylor’s hard work was the reason why they made it far in the tournament. After that, Nebyat turns toward the NFL and talks about how Sam Darnold and the Jets parted ways. Next, comes Roy Williams decision to retire and how Hubert Davis can bring the UNC men’s basketball program back on the map. Finally, Nebyat ends by making a top ten list of teams for next year's NCAA’s basketball season and predicts his final four for next year. <br /><br />If you enjoyed this episode, follow us and subscribe to the show: you can find us on iTunes or on any app that carries podcasts as well as on YouTube. Please remember to subscribe and give us a nice review. That way you will always be among the first to get the latest GSMC Sports Podcasts.<br /><br />We would like to thank our Sponsor: GSMC Podcast Network<br /><br />Advertise with US: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br /><br />Website: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br />ITunes Feed : <a href="" rel="noopener"></a> <br />GSMC YouTube Channel: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>"list=PLF8Qial15ufpFvOLqB6gbuBUSzMfCm6U1 <br />Twitter: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a> <br />Facebook: <a href="" rel="noopener"></a> <br /><br />Disclaimer: The views expressed on the GSMC Sports Podcast are for entertainment purposes only. Reproduction, copying, or redistribution of The GSMC Sports Podcast without the express written consent of Golden State Media Concepts LLC is prohibited.
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