Green Tara - the Buddha of Enlightened Action & White Tara - the Buddha of Compassion

4 mar 2022 · 26 min. 19 sec.
Green Tara - the Buddha of Enlightened Action & White Tara - the Buddha of Compassion

Born of the tears of Avalokiteshvara, Green Tara with her sister White Tara, stayed upon the Earth to guide and support people with their journey to enlightenment. White Tara does...

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Born of the tears of Avalokiteshvara, Green Tara with her sister White Tara, stayed upon the Earth to guide and support people with their journey to enlightenment. White Tara does this by radiating love and compassion, reminding us all of the infinite love we are born of. While Green Tara reminds us that while we are part of this world and its physical energies, we can act with awareness and with the divine energies within us.
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Autore Marisa Calvi
Organizzazione Marisa Calvi
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