
Free Therapy with Licensed Therapist Lisa Oxman

15 mag 2023 · 1 h 4 min. 12 sec.
Free Therapy with Licensed Therapist Lisa Oxman

Holy smokes, Babes. This episode is GOOD, if I do say so myself. Licened psychotherapist Lisa Oxman joins us and drops gems of free relationship counseling. She also shares her...

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Holy smokes, Babes. This episode is GOOD, if I do say so myself.

Licened psychotherapist Lisa Oxman joins us and drops gems of free relationship counseling.
She also shares her hilarious tale of dating and getting dumped by an A List celebrity whose name rhymes with Smorge Looney. Hayley shares about having dated a famous rapper only to find out on Twitter that he was cheating on her with an infamously famous actress.

The ladies dive into breaking down big subjects around dating like gaslighting, attachment styles, shame, PTSD, narcissism, surviving abusive relationships, and more.

You can follow Hayley on IG at @HayleyMarieNorman and support the podcast on Patreon at

Now y'all be careful out there because these dates just keep Datemaring!
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