Forged By Fire Part 3

23 set 2021 · 24 min. 13 sec.
Forged By Fire Part 3

Sharnwanika Pittman is an author, playwright, educator, multidimensional presentor, and an originator. As a servant leader she uses her abilities working with communal youth. Sharnwanika is the creative author of...

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Sharnwanika Pittman is an author, playwright, educator, multidimensional presentor, and an originator. As a servant leader she uses her abilities working with communal youth. Sharnwanika is the creative author of “ Fought till The Finish”; a devotional for Cancer Survivors based on her own experience and now, she is a contributing author to the best-seller anthology Forged by Fire: Built God Tough.

Queen Cole is an author, speaker, and certified life coach. She is the creative founder and host of the podcast, Light the Path, a syndication highlighting individuals who have gained exceptional inspiration, by mastering their own life’s journey. Queen Cole is a highly sought-out motivational personality, and Vision Board guru.
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Autore Just Minding My Business Media
Organizzazione Just Minding My Business Media
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