Foggy Paths and Moonlit Peaks: A Mid-Autumn Adventure

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Foggy Paths and Moonlit Peaks: A Mid-Autumn Adventure
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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Foggy Paths and Moonlit Peaks: A Mid-Autumn Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 在一个清爽的秋日午后,黄山笼罩在薄雾中,仿佛山顶隐匿在云海之间。 En: On a...
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Story Transcript:
Zh: 在一个清爽的秋日午后,黄山笼罩在薄雾中,仿佛山顶隐匿在云海之间。
En: On a refreshing autumn afternoon, Huangshan was shrouded in a thin mist, making the peaks seem hidden in a sea of clouds.
Zh: 微风轻拂松树,黄叶在小径上静静躺着,等待着过往的旅人。
En: A gentle breeze lightly brushed the pine trees, and yellow leaves lay quietly on the path, waiting for passing travelers.
Zh: 魏、莉莉和健三个人满怀期待地沿着山路向上攀登。
En: Wei, Lily, and Jian, full of anticipation, climbed the mountain path.
Zh: 他们期待着在中秋节夜晚欣赏到皎洁的月光洒在山顶绝美的景色。
En: They were looking forward to admiring the bright moonlight on the breathtaking scenery at the summit on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Zh: 魏走在前面,他心里渴望着在日暮之前登上山顶。
En: Wei walked in the front, eager to reach the summit before sunset.
Zh: 他喜欢冒险,急于证明自己。
En: He loved adventure and was anxious to prove himself.
Zh: 他想看到月亮冉冉升起的那一刻,用相机记录下最完美的瞬间。
En: He wanted to capture the exact moment when the moon rose with his camera and record the most perfect moment.
Zh: 莉莉则跟在队伍中间,总是小心地注意着朋友们的安全。
En: Lily followed in the middle, always carefully watching over her friends' safety.
Zh: 她爱护这段友情,注重同行的安全。
En: She cherished this friendship and paid attention to their safety.
Zh: 健在后面悠然自得,他总是乐观开朗,用相机捕捉每一刻的美好。
En: Jian leisurely walked at the back; he was always optimistic and cheerful, capturing every beautiful moment with his camera.
Zh: 然而,黄山的天气变化无常。
En: However, the weather on Huangshan is unpredictable.
Zh: 忽然,一层厚重的雾气笼罩了山间小道,视线变得模糊不清。
En: Suddenly, a thick fog enveloped the mountain path, making visibility unclear.
Zh: 魏步伐不停,他觉得自己能找到路,却渐渐听不到莉莉和健的声音。
En: Wei kept moving, convinced he could find the way, but gradually, he could no longer hear Lily and Jian's voices.
Zh: 莉莉停下了脚步,心中担忧,坚持要先找到健再继续前行。
En: Lily stopped, worried, insisting on finding Jian first before continuing.
Zh: 此时,魏已经看不见前方的景象,他意识到自己迷失在了雾中。
En: At this point, Wei could no longer see the scenery ahead, realizing he was lost in the fog.
Zh: 四周的松树像隐约的幽灵般静立着,只剩下朦胧影象。
En: The surrounding pine trees stood like faint ghosts, leaving only vague silhouettes.
Zh: 魏闭上双眼,努力回想起过去几次登山的经验,凭着感觉和记忆中的路径慢慢摸索前行。
En: He closed his eyes, trying hard to recall his past hiking experiences, slowly feeling his way forward based on intuition and memory.
Zh: 不久,他听到了熟悉的笑声,拨开浓雾,终于见到了健和莉莉的身影。
En: Soon, he heard familiar laughter, parted the thick fog, and finally saw the figures of Jian and Lily.
Zh: 三人都松了口气,互相拥抱着。
En: The three of them sighed in relief and embraced each other.
Zh: 魏歉意地看着莉莉和健,明白了同伴多么重要。
En: Wei looked apologetically at Lily and Jian, understanding how important companions are.
Zh: 他们携手并肩往山顶走去。
En: They walked hand in hand toward the summit.
Zh: 最后,他们在山顶上欣赏到了壮丽的月升。
En: Finally, they admired the magnificent moonrise at the top.
Zh: 银色的月光洒在松树和岩石上,波光粼粼,仿佛为他们展示了一幅天上的画卷。
En: The silver moonlight shone on the pine trees and rocks, sparkling as if presenting them with a heavenly painting.
Zh: 此时,魏明白了团队合作的价值,也认识到友情比雄心更加重要。
En: At this moment, Wei understood the value of teamwork and realized that friendship is more important than ambition.
Zh: 于是,三人在月色下互道祝福,心中感受到真正的中秋节意义。
En: Thus, under the moonlight, the three exchanged blessings and felt the true meaning of the Mid-Autumn Festival in their hearts.
Vocabulary Words:
- refreshing: 清爽
- shrouded: 笼罩
- mist: 薄雾
- peaks: 山顶
- anticipation: 期待
- admiring: 欣赏
- breathtaking: 绝美
- summit: 山顶
- adventure: 冒险
- anxious: 急于
- capture: 记录
- cherished: 爱护
- leisurely: 悠然自得
- optimistic: 乐观
- unpredictable: 变化无常
- enveloped: 笼罩
- visibility: 视线
- parted: 拨开
- scenery: 景象
- vague: 朦胧
- silhouettes: 影象
- intuition: 感觉
- figures: 身影
- apologetically: 歉意地
- companions: 同伴
- magnificent: 壮丽
- sparkling: 波光粼粼
- heavenly: 天上的
- ambition: 雄心
- blessings: 祝福
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Organizzazione | Kameron Kilchrist |
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