Finding The Blue Sky with Joseph Emet

3 ott 2016 · 56 min. 43 sec.
Finding The Blue Sky with Joseph Emet

Finding The Blue Sky: A Mindful Approach to Choosing Happiness Here and Now with Joseph Emet Aired Sunday, 2 October 2016, 10:00 PM ET Most of us have a habitual...

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Finding The Blue Sky: A Mindful Approach to Choosing Happiness Here and Now with Joseph Emet

Aired Sunday, 2 October 2016, 10:00 PM ET

Most of us have a habitual way of thinking that we have developed over our lifetimes. And many times, these ingrained thought patterns directly impact our emotional well-being. Yet, what we often fail to realize is that it is possible to improve our mood by changing our habits. In FINDING THE BLUE SKY: A Mindful Approach to Choosing Happiness Here and Now (a TarcherPerigee paperback; on sale October 4, 2016), Dharma teacher and author Joseph Emet (Buddha’s Book of Meditation) asserts that we can cultivate happiness by replacing our negative thought processes with positive ones.

Acknowledging that sorrow and suffering should be embraced as a natural part of life, the author shows readers how to use multiple mindfulness techniques to foster happiness even when life is far from perfect. These practices will help readers to:

* Retell their personal narrative
* Incorporate moments of pleasure into each day
* Identify and omit the destructive habits that we assume will bring us happiness
* Understand how emotional states impact the way we experience the world
* Determine real needs from wants, and learn how to express them
* Counteract the daily indoctrination of the media
* Practice mindful laziness
* Experience agelessness by being in the moment

With guided meditations, exercises for developing beneficial habits, and timeless wisdom from Buddhist masters, FINDING THE BLUE SKY is a compassionate guide full of practical advice for anyone seeking to live a more joyful and purposeful life.

About the Guest Joseph Emet

JOSEPH EMET trained with Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh at Plum Village in France and was made a Dharma teacher in Thich Nhat Hanh’s tradition. He has a doctorate in music from Boston University and is the author of Buddha’s Book of Sleep(winner of the 2013 COVR Award for Book of the Year), Buddha’s Book of Stress Reduction, and Buddha’s Book of Meditation. The founder of the Mindfulness Meditation Centre in Montreal, Emet lives in Pointe-Claire, Canada.
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Organizzazione iOM Radio Network - OMTimes
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