
Figure Eights (A Music Podcast) - Episode 62 w/ Brian Oake (Twin Cities Radio Icon & Host of The Brian Oake Show)

25 mar 2024 · 1 h 16 min. 20 sec.
Figure Eights (A Music Podcast) - Episode 62 w/ Brian Oake (Twin Cities Radio Icon & Host of The Brian Oake Show)

Join me as I chat with Twin Cities radio icon, Brian Oake. We cover a lot of topics including the ups and downs of the radio industry, the band that...

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Join me as I chat with Twin Cities radio icon, Brian Oake. We cover a lot of topics including the ups and downs of the radio industry, the band that changed his life, the greatest concert he's ever seen and the joys and occasional downsides of interviewing musicians. Great chat!
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Autore Figure Eights (A Music Podcast
Organizzazione Figure Eights (A Music Podcast
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