Extremely Intoxicated PREGNANT Woman Gets a DWI

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Extremely Intoxicated PREGNANT Woman Gets a DWI
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Extremely Intoxicated PREGNANT Woman Gets a DWI On November 26, 2022 around 9:10 PM, Patrolman Brett Kyle with the Howell Township Police Department was dispatched to Winterberry Court with a...
mostra di piùOn November 26, 2022 around 9:10 PM, Patrolman Brett Kyle with the Howell Township Police Department was dispatched to Winterberry Court with a report of a suspicious vehicle. The caller reported that they witnessed the driver operate the vehicle and that the driver was being the horn. Patrolman Kyle arrived on scene around 9:20 PM and made contact with the driver of the Ford Escape, who identified herself as Lauren. He noticed that there were empty wine bottles inside the vehicle and detected the odor of alcohol as he was speaking with the driver.
Lauren was incoherent and informed the officer that she was pregnant, but she also claimed that she was had not been drinking. Since it was apparent that Lauren had driven to this location after consuming alcohol and had the intent of operating a vehicle under the influence, he believed it was necessary to administer field sobriety exercises. Patrolman Kyle asked her to exit the vehicle, and guided her to the ground along with Patrolman Felix with the Freehold Township Police Department.
Since she seemed to be heavily intoxicated, Patrolman Kyle decided that it was not possible to administer field sobriety exercises. Instead, he decided she would be transported to the hospital and they would obtain a warrant for a blood draw. First responders arrived on scene a few minutes later, and Lauren was transported to CentraState Medical Center. At the hospital, Patrolman Kyle contacted Assistant Prosecutor Jessica Sparano with the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, and stated his intention to apply for a telephonic search warrant ordering a blood draw. They were connected to SCJ James Newman, and he granted the search warrant.
Lauen was issued the following summonses: Operating under the influence, reckless driving, driving while suspended, and driving with an expired driver’s license.
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