Exploring "The Wellness Trap" with Christy Harrison

16 gen 2024 · 47 min. 3 sec.
Exploring "The Wellness Trap" with Christy Harrison

Christy Harrison is a journalist and registered dietitian specializing in intuitive eating and disordered-eating recovery. She is the author of bestselling books including Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and...

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Christy Harrison is a journalist and registered dietitian specializing in intuitive eating and disordered-eating recovery. She is the author of bestselling books including Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating and of numerous publications featured in The New York Times, Shape, Refinery 29 and The Food Network. Christy produces and hosts two podcasts, Rethinking Wellness and Food Psych, which have helped tens of thousands of listeners around the world think critically about diet and wellness culture and develop more peaceful relationships with food. Christy returns to the Teacher Fan Club in this episode to discuss her newest bestselling book, The Wellness Trap. She talks with Elizabeth and Dana about her ideas on challenging wellness culture and her view that it promotes a standard of health that can be unattainable and harmful.

For more information on Christy's books, offerings, and resources, please visit her website at https://christyharrison.com.
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