
Espresso Mix-Up: A Bratislava Encounter

3 mar 2024 · 14 min. 28 sec.
Espresso Mix-Up: A Bratislava Encounter

01 · Main Story

1 min. 41 sec.

02 · Vocabulary Words

10 min. 47 sec.


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Espresso Mix-Up: A Bratislava Encounter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Práve keď sa slnko hralo na uliciach Starého...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Espresso Mix-Up: A Bratislava Encounter
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Práve keď sa slnko hralo na uliciach Starého Mesta v Bratislave, Jana vošla do obľúbeného kaviarne, kde vonku burácal život a vo vnútri vládla vôňa čerstvo mletej kávy.
En: Just as the sun was playing on the streets of the Old Town in Bratislava, Jana entered her favorite café, where life was bustling outside and the aroma of freshly ground coffee reigned inside.

Sk: Jarné slniečko kúzlovo prenikalo cez starobylé okná a kaviareň ožívala povrchnými hovormi a zvukmi šálky narazanej o pult.
En: The enchanting spring sunshine penetrated through the ancient windows, and the café came alive with superficial conversations and the sounds of cups clinking against the counter.

Sk: Jana bola vzrušená, pretože mala stretnúť svoju dlhoročnú kamarátku. Rozhľadela sa, ale jej priateľka nikde. Tak sa rozhodla objednať si kávu.
En: Jana was excited because she was going to meet her longtime friend. She looked around, but her friend was nowhere to be found, so she decided to order some coffee.

Sk: Len čo sa otočila k pultu, Peter, vysoký mladý muž s neposednými hnedými vlasmi, si tiež objednával svoj ranný elixír života - dvojitý espresso.
En: Just as she turned to the counter, Peter, a tall young man with unruly brown hair, was also ordering his morning elixir of life - a double espresso.

Sk: Nešťastnou náhodou oboje objednávky vyvolali zmätok.
En: Due to an unfortunate mistake, both orders caused confusion.

Sk: Barista, zaťažený prílevom zákazníkov, sa pomýlil a dal obe espressá Jane.
En: The barista, overwhelmed by the influx of customers, made a mistake and gave both espressos to Jana.

Sk: Keď sa Jana vrátila k svojmu stolu s dvoma šálkami vo svojich rukách, nevedela, z ktorého má piť.
En: When Jana returned to her table with two cups in her hands, she didn't know which one to drink.

Sk: Nakoniec sa rozhodla ochutnať obe.
En: Eventually, she decided to taste both.

Sk: Peter, medzitým, zostal pri pulte čakať na svoju kávu, no jeho šálka nikdy neprišla.
En: Meanwhile, Peter remained at the counter waiting for his coffee, but his cup never came.

Sk: Jeho zvedavé oči sledovali Janu a ako tá víťazoslávne ochutnala z oboch šálok.
En: His curious eyes watched as Jana triumphantly tasted from both cups.

Sk: S úsmevom si uvedomil, že muselo dôjsť k chybe.
En: With a smile, he realized that there must have been a mistake.

Sk: Peter, so spoločenským duchom, pristúpil ku Jane. "Vyzerá to, že moja káva si našla nový domov," podotkol s miernym úškrnom.
En: With a sociable spirit, Peter approached Jana. "It looks like my coffee found a new home," he remarked with a slight smirk.

Sk: Jana zčervenala, keď si uvedomila svoj omyl. "Ospravedlňujem sa! Nechcela som...", začala Jane, no Peter ju prerušil.
En: Jana blushed as she realized her mistake. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..." Jana began, but Peter interrupted her.

Sk: "To nevadí. Máte dobrý vkus," žartoval Peter a predstavil sa.
En: "It's okay. You have good taste," Peter joked and introduced himself.

Sk: Náhodné stretnutie a zmätený barista vytvorili nečakanú príležitosť pre nové priateľstvo.
En: The chance encounter and the confused barista created an unexpected opportunity for a new friendship.

Sk: Oboje sa rozhovorili a objednali si ďalšie kávy - tentokrát každý svoju.
En: They struck up a conversation and ordered more coffee - this time each their own.

Sk: Ľad bol prelomený a zvyšok dňa strávili spolu, prechádzali sa po kamenistých uličkách Starého Mesta a objavovali jeho skryté poklady.
En: The ice was broken, and the rest of the day was spent together, strolling through the cobblestone streets of the Old Town and discovering its hidden treasures.

Sk: Jediná zmätok s kávou ich spojil a od tej doby boli Jana s Petrom neoddeliteľní.
En: A simple mix-up with the coffee brought them together, and since then, Jana and Peter were inseparable.

Sk: Na konci dňa si obaja uvedomili, že na zábavné príhody a nové priateľstvá stačí jedna malá chybička a vôňa kávy v bratislavskej kaviarni.
En: At the end of the day, both of them realized that a small mistake and the aroma of coffee in a Bratislava café were enough for fun adventures and new friendships.

Vocabulary Words:
  • encounter: stretnutie
  • elixir: elixír
  • influx: prílev
  • curious: zvedavý
  • confusion: zmätok
  • triumphantly: víťazoslávne
  • barista: barista
  • smirk: úškrn
  • sociable: spoločenský
  • separable: neoddeliteľní
  • aroma: vôňa
  • superficial: povrchný
  • enchanted: kúzelný
  • unruly: neposedný
  • astonished: presvedčený
  • penetrated: prenikalo
  • reigned: vládla
  • strolling: preháňal
  • bustling: burácavý
  • hidden: skrytý
  • profound: hlboký
  • snatched: narazanej
  • simple: jednoduchá
  • small: malá
  • mix-up: zmätok
  • enchanted: kúzelný
  • treasures: poklady
  • revelation: objavenie
  • unexpected: nečakaný
  • vivid: živý
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