Episode CVIII: Star Wars TV Show Tier List (Nov. 2023)

16 nov 2023 · 33 min. 14 sec.
Episode CVIII: Star Wars TV Show Tier List (Nov. 2023)

Tier List content?! Yaaaa I went to the dark side... But I've earned this, let me enjoy my lazy content! On a serious note, I really enjoyed doing this and...

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Tier List content?! Yaaaa I went to the dark side... But I've earned this, let me enjoy my lazy content! On a serious note, I really enjoyed doing this and respect the Tier List formula. With the recent conclusion of Ahsoka bringing the total number of canon Star Wars TV shows to 11(!), I thought it was a great time to give them the tier list treatment. I equally hope you enjoy my list and disagree with it. Let the debates began.

Follow on Intagram: @star_wars_markofbalance
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Autore Mark Iacobino
Organizzazione Mark Iacobino
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