Episode 85: Dumbledore Quickens His Pace

17 mag 2022 · 4 min. 46 sec.
Episode 85: Dumbledore Quickens His Pace

- In Chapter 28 of Goblet of Fire, the third task draws ever closer and Harry learns that it will involve a maze. Unexpectedly, Barty Crouch Sr. appears on Hogwarts...

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- In Chapter 28 of Goblet of Fire, the third task draws ever closer and Harry learns that it will involve a maze. Unexpectedly, Barty Crouch Sr. appears on Hogwarts grounds, bloody and disoriented.
- Today’s prompt is: Given the suspicious events happening at Hogwarts and in the wider wizarding world, what is going through Dumbledore's mind upon Crouch's crazed arrival on the grounds?
- This episode is hosted by Amy Hogan.
- Join in the conversation on MuggleNet’s social media channels by using #PromptlyPotter
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