Episode 84: The Problem with Snape Is… Everything

15 mag 2022 · 6 min. 31 sec.
Episode 84: The Problem with Snape Is… Everything

- In Chapter 27 of Goblet of Fire, Rita Skeeter writes a defamatory article about Hermione. Snape uses it to bully and embarrass the young witch in class. Later, Sirius...

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- In Chapter 27 of Goblet of Fire, Rita Skeeter writes a defamatory article about Hermione. Snape uses it to bully and embarrass the young witch in class. Later, Sirius Black meets the trio outside Hogsmeade and provides some context to the rumors Harry overheard about Snape and Igor Karkaroff.
- Today’s prompt is: In this chapter, Sirius famously says, "If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." Name two characters whose treatment of their inferiors reflects upon them, one positively and one poorly.
- This episode is hosted by Geoff Hutton.
- Join in the conversation on MuggleNet’s social media channels by using #PromptlyPotter
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