Episode 8 - Governance Alignment

30 dic 2021 · 18 min. 4 sec.
Episode 8 - Governance Alignment

Evan and Ryan pick up the "Information Security Governance Simplified" series where they left off in Episode 7 - Define Information Security Governance. In this episode, they discuss: - The...

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Evan and Ryan pick up the "Information Security Governance Simplified" series where they left off in Episode 7 - Define Information Security Governance. In this episode, they discuss:

- The importance of aligning governance with the mission of the organization.
- Defining the mission for the information program.
- The importance of executive management buy-in, and how to get it.
- Defining the information security charter document.
- Determining initial communication protocols.

Information security governance should NOT be painful, and when governance is in alignment with the organization's purpose, it's actually the opposite. Good, well thought-out governance, is harmonious and it is possible to get everyone on the same page.

We hope you enjoy Episode 8 - Governance Alignment, and join us next week for Episode 9 - Roles and Responsibilities!
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Autore The InfoSec Mission
Organizzazione InfoSec Missionaries
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