
Episode 66: Marguerite Peeters on her book The Gender Revolution: A Global Agenda (April 23, 2024)

23 apr 2024 · 56 min. 57 sec.
Episode 66: Marguerite Peeters on her book The Gender Revolution: A Global Agenda (April 23, 2024)

In this episode of The Catholic Bookworm, Kiki Latimer Marguerite Peeters on her book The Gender Revolution: A Global Agenda (April 23, 2024) Wherever one lives in the world and...

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In this episode of The Catholic Bookworm, Kiki Latimer Marguerite Peeters on her book The Gender Revolution: A Global Agenda (April 23, 2024)

Wherever one lives in the world and whatever one’s age and occupation, it has today become difficult to escape the influence of the global political and cultural norm of “gender equality”. Each continent, each government, each people can observe sociological developments in its midst that are linked to the gender perspective, to gender. These developments cannot be “neutral” nor without consequences for their cultures, their identity, their future. This book seeks to expose the global agenda of the gender revolution and share with those caught up in it the fullness of divine life.

The Gender Revolution: A Global Agenda by Marguerite A. Peeters | En Route Books and Media
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