Episode 6: The Place Where I Work is Still Language (Donato Mancini)

15 nov 2019 · 1 h 9 min. 3 sec.
Episode 6: The Place Where I Work is Still Language (Donato Mancini)

Donato Mancini, visual poet and artist, sits down for a wide-ranging talk about visual and concrete poetry, the great bpNichol, the octothorpe, Titus Andronicus, climate change, and how a typewriter...

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Donato Mancini, visual poet and artist, sits down for a wide-ranging talk about visual and concrete poetry, the great bpNichol, the octothorpe, Titus Andronicus, climate change, and how a typewriter poem cannot ever be typed perfectly.
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Autore Geof Huth and Karen Trivette
Organizzazione Geof Huth and Karen Trivette
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