Episode 57: Did Thomas Aquinas Really Prove the Existence of God? With Dr. Robert Delfino (July 28, 2019)

28 lug 2019 · 1 h 31 min. 58 sec.
Episode 57: Did Thomas Aquinas Really Prove the Existence of God? With Dr. Robert Delfino (July 28, 2019)

Pat Flynn is joined by professional philosopher and professor at St. John’s University Dr. Robert Delfino to discuss Thomas Aquinas and his famous “proofs” for the existence of God, particularly...

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Pat Flynn is joined by professional philosopher and professor at St. John’s University Dr. Robert Delfino to discuss Thomas Aquinas and his famous “proofs” for the existence of God, particularly the 3rd way argument from possibility and necessity. Do these arguments hold any validity today? If so, what exactly are they and what sort of insights do they provide?

In this episode:

What is metaphysics? And how does the knowledge philosophy gives us differ from that which is arrived at through the physical sciences?
What did Aquinas mean by “proof”?
The argument from possibility and necessity for God’s existence and transcendent nature (Aquinas’s famous 3rd way)
Overcoming common misunderstandings and objections to the argument
What can philosophical arguments reveal about the nature of God?
Finally, does this “god of the philosopher” correspond in any significant way to the God of the Bible? (July 28, 2019)
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