Episode 56: How Reason Can Lead to God with Dr. Josh Rasmussen (July 21, 2019)

22 lug 2019 · 2 h 6 min. 43 sec.
Episode 56: How Reason Can Lead to God with Dr. Josh Rasmussen (July 21, 2019)

Is it possible — like really possible — to know not only God exists, but something about God through reason alone? Pat is joined by at least one professional philosophy...

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Is it possible — like really possible — to know not only God exists, but something about God through reason alone? Pat is joined by at least one professional philosophy who says yes: Dr. Josh Rasmussen. Not only does Dr. Rasmussen hold that we can know that God exists, but that we can establish as much through pure logic. From there, we can even learn something about what God must be like, simply by working our back from our own experience to a necessarily existing, and conscious, foundation to reality. (July 21, 2019)
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