Episode 55 - The Wild Bunch

3 feb 2019 · 58 min. 48 sec.
Episode 55 - The Wild Bunch

John Mills (Aggressive Negotiations, RetroPerspective) returns to Missing Frames to show Shawn one of his favorite films: The Wild Bunch. Along the way, they discuss how Shawn fell in love...

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John Mills (Aggressive Negotiations, RetroPerspective) returns to Missing Frames to show Shawn one of his favorite films: The Wild Bunch. Along the way, they discuss how Shawn fell in love with the Western genre (spoiler alert: the video game Red Dead Redemption may or may not have had something to do with it), the film's controversial release and reception and whether or not it still holds up today.

Shawn Eastridge
John Mills
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Autore The Nerd Party
Organizzazione The Nerd Party
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