
Episode 53 - “What the heck does Tinder have to do with business?!" with Maureen Pound #8MMD

9 gen 2023 · 8 min. 18 sec.
Episode 53 - “What the heck does Tinder have to do with business?!" with Maureen Pound #8MMD

“What the heck does Tinder have to do with business?!” It may seem like two very different worlds but if you dig deeper, it’s actually very interconnected! How so? Today,...

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“What the heck does Tinder have to do with business?!” It may seem like two very different worlds but if you dig deeper, it’s actually very interconnected!

How so? Today, we’ll find out in this 8-Minute Mic Drop episode with our very candid and outspoken guest, Maureen Pound, who is an entrepreneur, adventurer, author, property investor and online dating expert.

Maureen is passionate about supporting men and giving them tools to communicate both online and offline. So in this episode, she’ll tell us what Tinder has to do with business and other aspects of your life, and how it helps to assess how you’re turning up in the world first before you get your big break.

Episode Highlights:

  • How dating and relationships tie into entrepreneurship
  • Why self-awareness is important
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people
Get to know her better!

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Organizzazione The 6 Figure Academy Studio
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