Episode 43 Uplift Kitsap "How Business is Shifting in the New Digital World"

13 ott 2020 · 58 min. 45 sec.
Episode 43 Uplift Kitsap "How Business is Shifting in the New Digital World"

The importance of how your business appears online has been amplified in a physically distanced, COVID world. Being successful requires a fresh look at your digital strategy—from websites, videos, social...

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The importance of how your business appears online has been amplified in a physically distanced, COVID world. Being successful requires a fresh look at your digital strategy—from websites, videos, social media, ad strategy and mobile marketing. In this Uplift Kitsap, Jason O will share tools and resources for all skills levels so that you can create, analyze, and improve your digital presence.

Jason D. Oberholtzer founded My Lion Marketing in 2006. Jason’s success in marketing strategy and brand management ranges across some of the world’s premiere sport properties including the Olympic Games and FIFA World Cup. As an international consultant, Jason has been involved with large scale, multi-cultural brand initiatives, leading teams for Proctor & Gamble, Samsung and Visa.

On the U.S. domestic front, Jason has proven a catalyst for the growth consulting with small business, mid-cap, non-profit and government clients. Under his leadership, the development of new marketing and strategic plans helped set new revenue benchmarks for multiple clients.
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