Episode 4 - Rob O'Hanrahan

22 feb 2021 · 14 min. 18 sec.
Episode 4 - Rob O'Hanrahan

This week on the podcast we have Rob O'Hanrahan. Rob is a former teacher and was going through a major career change when we spoke and the chat focuses on...

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This week on the podcast we have Rob O'Hanrahan. Rob is a former teacher and was going through a major career change when we spoke and the chat focuses on what Rob was like in school and what subjects he enjoyed. He speaks about the advice he would give students in and out of school. He gives some great insight into his CAO experience and his college experience. Since we spoke Rob has moved from a very successful stint at JOE.ie into becoming a TV news reporter for Virgin Media. He is a brilliant listen.
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Autore GoLoud
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